1920x1080 - Desktop

750x1624 - Mobile

Desktop Mobile


1920x1080 | 750x1624

The recommended super banner size is 1920 x 1080 pixels in desktop, 750 x 1624 pixels in mobile



File Size

  • Desktop Banner Dimensions 1920x1080px (JPG), size 1MB

  • Mobile Banner Dimensions 750x1624px (JPG), size 800KB

Layout Options

The option to customize the she logo placement by pinning it to the left and hiding the content box provides a great deal of flexibility.

Normal Logo with content box

Pinned left Logo without content Box

Safe Visual Area

You must ensure that the content (such as text and main visual) you want viewers to see all fit within the safe area. This way, it will be displayed perfectly for users viewing your channel on desktop as well as mobile device.

The safe area for the default banner layout is 920 x 810 pixels from the top center, ensuring that important visual elements are not cut off or obscured.

The safe area for the pinned left logo banner layout is 1750 x 1030 pixels from the top center, ensuring that important visual elements are not cut off or obscured.


The safe area for the content box banner layout is 500 x 1150 pixels from the top center

The safe area for the non-content box banner layout is 500 x 1500 pixels from the top center